Psychotherapy Doug Maesk Psychotherapy Doug Maesk

Mental Health Care for The Career Woman

When you think about it, modern women are really like superheroes. Not only are they obtaining college degrees and climbing corporate ladders, they’re doing so while also raising families. They may also find themselves taking care of aging parents at the same time.

While some women are able to manage juggling all of these big responsibilities, many women, over time, will experience burnout and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

A Gold Medal for Prioritizing Mental Health

Last summer, the world held its collective breath as gymnast Simone Biles made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw from the Olympic finals. She was very transparent, announcing her decision was a result of making her mental health a priority. 

This was a real act of bravery and her decision shone a light on the importance of protecting the mental health of world-class athletes. 

But the reality is, protecting your health is important for all women, no matter your career choice. From professional athletes to CEOs and every career woman in between, it is vitally important to prioritize their mental health.

How Career Women Can Cultivate Good Mental Health

The following are some ways professional women can protect their mental health from the burdens of careers and family life:

Accept and Expect Imperfections

No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get everything perfect 100% of the time, and that’s okay. Recognize your own humanity and give yourself a break.

Find Support

As you continue to try and be there for everyone else, it’s important that you find people and things to lean on. This can mean family, friends, your faith, or a personal exercise routine. 

Make Time for Yourself

It’s important to step back from the daily grind every once in a while to just rest and relax. The more you take the time to recharge your battery, the more able you’ll be to juggle the responsibilities of your life.

Talk with Someone

Sometimes it’s easier to speak with someone outside of your social or familial network. Talking with a therapist can really help you gain perspective on your life and your abilities. He or she can also give you strategies to navigate the stressful situations in your life.

If you’d like to speak with someone and explore treatment options, please get in touch with me.




  • file:///C:/Users/jbruc/Downloads/Mental-Health-Facts-for-Women.pdf

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Psychotherapy Doug Maesk Psychotherapy Doug Maesk

From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Many Benefits of Therapy

What Are The Benefits of Psychotherapy?

One person helping the other in time of need is an age-old tradition. People have been needing the helpers in a myriad of situations. From repair work to curing illness, helpers have been helping mankind since long ago. The mental health helper was like an individual particularly blessed or gifted in his or her ability to assist others through trying times. People with mental illness also need someone that can help them to get back to a healthy and fulfilling life. In the era of COVID19, helpers are needed more than ever.

Psychotherapy (often simply called therapy) is used for treating many different issues and problems like emotional crises, depression, anxiety, family disputes, marital problems etc. The types of psychotherapy include cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, family therapy, interpersonal therapy, and others. Therapy can be short-term or long-term, depending on the presenting issues.

Psychotherapy is performed either in a group or for individuals. In both the cases, it is usually of tremendous benefit. Here at Maesk Counseling, we do both. Here are some benefits of psychotherapy:

  • Psychotherapy enables you to tackle your issues either at work or home to maintain a healthy connection with the people around you. 

  • When a person suffers depression, the family suffers too and psychotherapy helps them to be strong in these times and support the patient.

  • Psychotherapy enables you to cope with depression more effectively and face the world looking in their eyes without any hesitation. 

  • It enables you to identify your weak points and unhealthy behaviors and change them with time. 

  • You can regain confidence in your personality and quite possibly you will not suffer depression and anxiety again.

  • Psychotherapy helps to develop skills to improve relationships.

  • It helps improve interpersonal skills.

  • It helps you to overcome certain problems, like eating disorder, depression, compulsive habits.

  • Psychotherapy enables you to manage personal emotions effectively.

These are only some of the benefits of psychotherapy. A psychotherapist can enable you to get back to life and live in a normal way without fear. Skillful therapists are problem-solvers in the domain of emotions and relationships. This is very powerful, and the results can be profound.

Patients with depression and anxiety feel that they are left alone in this world. With psychotherapy, they realize that someone is there to listen to them and support them. Psychotherapy helps people by helping them to understand the behavior and emotions that contribute to their issues and how to deal with them. Whether it is illness, death of a relative or loved one, loss of a job, marital problem or some other issue, therapy will help and provide specific techniques to cope with problems.

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