Persistence In Therapy
Working through difficult times in therapy can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable process. It may require facing painful emotions, confronting past traumas, or making difficult changes in one's thoughts and behaviors. However, despite the challenges it presents, working through these difficult times is an essential part of the therapeutic journey.
One of the most significant risks when going through therapy is stopping abruptly. Many people may feel tempted to discontinue their therapy sessions when they start feeling better or when things get too tough to handle. While this may provide temporary relief, it can ultimately hinder progress and potentially lead to a relapse.
When we stop attending therapy sessions prematurely, we miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and healing. Therapy provides a safe space to confront our deepest fears and inner struggles with the guidance of a trained professional. It allows us to gain insight into our patterns of thinking and behaving that may be holding us back from living fulfilling lives.
Moreover, persisting through difficult times in therapy pays off in the long run. Building resilience takes time and effort; it is not something that can be achieved overnight. By continuously showing up for ourselves in therapy, even when it feels uncomfortable or overwhelming, we develop resilience muscles that help us navigate future challenges more effectively.
In addition to building resilience, working through tough times in therapy also helps us establish healthier coping mechanisms. Many individuals turn to unhealthy behaviors such as substance abuse or avoidance when facing difficulties instead of addressing them directly. Through consistent attendance at therapy sessions and actively engaging with our therapist's guidance, we learn healthier ways of coping with life's stressors.
Persisting through tough moments in therapy can help improve our overall mental health outcomes significantly. While there are no quick fixes or shortcuts on the path towards healing and personal growth, staying committed to working through difficulties with a therapist can accelerate progress towards achieving positive change.
While working through difficult times in therapy may seem daunting at first, it is crucial to remember that persistence pays off. It takes courage and determination
To make an appointment to discuss your particular situation, and get help, click HERE.
From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Following Your Plan of Care
Many times, patients quit their treatment prematurely because the immediate crisis is over. This is equivalent to quitting a two week antibiotic prescription after the second day’s dose; the SYMPTOMS are eased, but what about the root cause? It will surely return later because it hasn’t been thoroughly addressed. Momentum toward recovery will be lost as well.
Depression, anxiety, relationship issues, panic attacks, teen and children’s behavior issues, anger management, divorce recovery—these all take time to change, to heal. You didn’t GET this way in a month or two, and it will take longer than that to heal completely. Often, we’ve carried problems of poor self- esteem, drug or alcohol addiction, and other counseling issues for most of our lives.
Periodic check ins, where we go over your progress and look again at your goals in the Plan of Care, help us understand where we have been together in therapy, what we have accomplished, and what still needs to be addressed. This is also a great time for you to “dream” and set new goals for a better life! When these goals have been met and all issues addressed, you are ready to go on to “maintenance care,” where you come in to see me every few months or so for checkups. These checkup visits can go a long way toward maintaining the growth and rational thinking you worked so hard to achieve in our sessions.
When I give you a Plan of Care, I’ve carefully considered your issues, your hopes and dreams, and your goals, using all of my education and experience to help you toward as happy a life as possible. It can be painful to go deeper at first, but the rewards you can experience can be very gratifying and life changing!
From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Signs of Progress in Therapy
Assessing Your Healing
Do you know that you can focus on various areas in your life to see if you are feeling better in specific ways? This is a fun, informal quiz to use for this purpose. Rate your improvement from 1 to 4, with 4 being the most improved. Leave it blank if it doesn’t apply to you. Take the results to your therapist for discussion.
__Self Esteem
__Ability to reach Life Goals
__Personal Safety
__Your work or career
__Level of happiness
__Use of your talents
__Sense of Humor
__Ability to care for others
__Personal self-care/Attractiveness
__Ability to make friends
__Relationships (friends)
__Relationships (family)
__Getting along with coworkers
__Taking time for you
__Treating yourself well
__Putting your needs first
__Taking care of your body
__Not getting overly tired
__Taking care of yourself when ill
__Eating well
__Sleeping enough
__Exercising regularly
__Appropriate alcohol use (or none at all)
Track your progress on a regular basis. Therapy is all about improving your life and making it the best it can be!
(Adapted from It’s My Life Now by M. Dugan)